Team-Based Learning Paying Off in As and Bs

Posted on October 14, 2016 by 爱丽丝杰克逊

Team-Based Learning Paying Off in As and Bs data-lightbox='featured'
USA students, from left, Aaron Howard, broadcast journalism major; Ayla Oden, strategic communications major; Jordan Lang, strategic communications major; and Kaylee Henry, strategic communications major; work together on a classroom assignment as Dr. 朱莉 QEP主任Estis和Dr. James Aucoin, chair of communications, talk with them 十大玩彩信誉平台他们的工作.

十大玩彩信誉平台的教室里,学生们正在一起学习 更好的成绩,要感谢教授们接受了一种新的、越来越受欢迎的方法 学习方法.

三年来,教职员工参加了研讨会和专业发展 sessions to lead team-based learning under USA’s 品质提升计划,其中包括参与、分享知识和帮助学生记住知识的新方法 他们学到的. Rather than memorizing material for a test, they are working together to apply course content to realistic situations and to solve complex problems.

As a result, the program’s success has surpassed expectations. Dr. 大卫•约翰逊 教务长兼学术事务高级副校长表示,他“非常自豪” of how USA’s faculty and students have responded to the project.”

“教师们愿意投入时间来学习这些技术 have shown a willingness to change how they teach. And, the outcomes have been outstanding,” 约翰逊说.

Opportunities Through Changing Technology

被称为 TeamUSA在美国,教师们专注于创造一个以团队为基础的学习环境(TBL) 学生有责任准备好上课并准备好参与 在讨论. Team-based learning includes reading before class, taking tests as 个人和团队,使用最新的视听技术,讨论具有挑战性 问题,在实践中练习,最后,学生解决现实生活中的问题 团队. 

“学生们通常对小组作业有先入为主的想法,但这不是那种类型的 of class where you work on a big group project or paper outside of class. 台, 在课堂上,你的团队在教授或辅导员的支持下一起工作。” 博士说. 朱莉 Estis, director of QEP since 2015.

Estis开始在她的语言病理学课程中使用团队学习, 描述了不断变化的技术如何引导教育工作者寻找分享知识的新途径 他们的学生是历史上科技最先进的一代.

“如今,学生们可以获得几乎无穷无尽的可用信息 to them in ever-increasing new ways. The role of the faculty member shifts from providing 帮助学生获得可靠的信息,并有效地利用它。” Estis说. “Our faculty members truly care about their students, and they wanted a powerful learning environment for their students.”

在这个项目的发展过程中,重点放在雇主所说的特质上 他们希望在求职者身上看到什么. These include, among others, the ability to work 良好的人际关系、领导能力、组织能力、沟通能力、应变能力 以及强烈的职业道德.

More Collaboration, Retention and As

自该项目作为五年质量提升计划的一部分开始以来,已有近300名学生参加了该项目 教师接受了培训,平均有84名教师采用团队教学 每学期学习. To date, faculty members have led more than 20,000 student encounters with team-based learning inside the classroom.

The results, according to Estis, have meant:

  • 学生合作能力、解决问题能力和批判性思维能力显著提高
  • 在以团队为基础的学习课程中,d和f的显著减少,a和b的显著增加
  • Increased retention for team-based learning courses
  • High mastery of student learning outcomes

以团队为基础的学习在教师中变得非常流行, 通常只在夏季举行,现在全年都在安排,还有高级的 培训课程.

“我们的教师参与度远远高于我们在项目开始时的预期 从一开始,TBL已经蔓延到我们大学的各个学院、学院和学科。” Estis说. “The success has included more than 45 faculty presentations and publications 与团队学习相关.”

Dr. Laura White, assistant director of clinical education in physical therapy, is among team-based learning’s most enthusiastic supporters. 今年早些时候,她和 Dr. T.J. Hundley, assistant dean for medical education and student affairs as well 作为内科住院医师项目的副主任,他们的 在学院俱乐部举办的QEP成功庆祝活动中表现出色.  

“TBL最大的好处之一是学生有机会应用新的知识 knowledge and skills to solve specific problems in the classroom. 通过解决问题 在课堂上,学生可以学习解决现实问题的内容和过程 problems and receive immediate feedback from their peers and the instructor. 通常, 这些问题都是“现实生活”的场景,所以学生们可以立即看到其中的相关性 of the course content,” White explained. “I enjoy teaching in this format because it challenges me to ‘think on my feet.’ I can immediately evaluate the effectiveness 对我的教学进行调整,并根据学生的表现和问题进行调整 该活动. It makes for an active learning environment with rich class discussions and impromptu ‘mini-lectures’ to clarify concepts.”

怀特说,她的学生们告诉她,他们喜欢与美国的同龄人一起学习 一个协作的环境,”他们特别喜欢他们可以立即做一些事情 with the content that they have learned.’”


Estis目前正在获得联合国的培训顾问证书 协同学习,一个国际性的专业组织组成 of volunteers who support the learning process. Recently, she was elected as a Team-Based 学习协作指导委员会的一般成员,她还服务于 the group’s program and scholarship committees.

“TeamUSA参与该项目的教师人数不断增加, the disciplines involved, and the quality of instruction. 我们的TeamUSA计划是 优秀的教师共同努力,创造引人入胜和有影响力的反映 learning opportunities,” Estis说. “Our students gain skills and confidence as they 共同努力,批判性地思考和解决现实问题,使他们能够 become effective leaders as they transition into their careers.”
