How can Faculty Get Involved in Community Engagement

Owen Bailey cleaning up at Day of Service


▼   Offer to Teach a Service Learning Course

The National Service Learning Clearing House defines Service Learning as “a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility and strengthen communities.”


The Office of Community Engagement team is available to support faculty and departments as they work to integrate Community Engagement and Service Learning into their course offerings.  Please feel free to contact our office to schedule an appointment - (251) 460-6116.


Campus Compact Toolkit Modules: Designing & Delivering a Service-Learning Course by Dr. Matt Roy (Assistant Provost & Director of the Leduc Center for Civic Engagement, UMASS Dartmouth) and Dr. Dwight Giles (Professor, College of Education and Human Development and Senior Associate with the New England Resource Center for Higher Education):

▼   Present Your Work

The following conferences occur annually and offer opportunities for presentation of original scholarship along with professional development around Community Engagement and Service Learning.  Please follow the links below to identify conference specific calls for proposals.

▼   Seek Funding for your Community Engaged Scholarly Work

The federal government posts grant opportunities through which often require community engagement as a component of the calls for proposal. In addition, the following entities provide regular opportunities to apply for funding to support community engaged scholarly work and research:

National Foundations:

The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

The Wallace Foundation

The WK Kellogg Foundation

Local and Regional Funders:

The Alabama Power Foundation

The Community Foundation of South Alabama

The David Mathews Center for Civic Life

The National Academy of Science Engineering Medicine

▼   Request a Training

Request training on SOUTH SERVES by emailing